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What We Do
Tailored employment plans at a school and location suited to you.
Our Registration Process
Fast. Quick. Simple.
Free Enhanced DBS & Safeguarding Training.
Practical Tools for Securing a Trial Day.
Paid Trial Days!
Secure a paid introduction day and start ASAP.
Tax Free Weekly Payments
We manage your PAYE tax-free allowance.
Optional Pension Plan
Build Your Financial Future
Our Impact
in Numbers
Facts & Figures
Schools in London
Over 2,000 Opportunities
Travel time to placement
No more than 40 minutes
From applying, to placing
48 Hours is all it takes
Success Rate
After Your Paid Trial Day

about us
Trial Today, Secure Tomorrow, Thrive Always
Discover your next opportunity to make a significant impact in education with us. Our dedication to securing you a placement that meets your skill set is through a committed team of experienced employment consultants who will endeavour to coach you through the process and watch you thrive.